Leadership, Gender And The Power Of In-Group Bias (Forbes)

By Dr. Shawn Andrews

Have you ever been part of your manager's or colleague's in-group? When have you been in the out-group? What impact did it have on you?

If you're like most people, there are times in your career when you're part of the favored in-group and other times when you feel completely left out. This is the case for both men and women. But I would argue that when it comes to leadership, more women are left out than men.

So, what exactly is an in-group? It's a type of informal network that's present in every industry across the globe. This could include informal group meetings, lunches, dinners, drinks, football pools or attending sporting events. If you're lucky enough to be invited into one of these informal networks, you're in the in-group.


Why Women Don't Always Support Other Women (Forbes)


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